
Medium Custom Domain Feature Returns

Cultivating Your Own Domain Authority!

Medium Custom Domain Feature Returns

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Medium Custom Domain Feature Returns

Cultivating Your Own Domain Authority!

[2024/07/28] Feature Returns

[Setting up a custom domain for your profile or publication]({:target="_blank"}

Setting up a custom domain for your profile or publication

This feature has had a tumultuous history. It was first introduced in 2012, then discontinued; reopened in 2021, only to be announced as closed again in 2022. Recently, in 2024, it has returned once more, and the official documentation has been updated with complete setup instructions. You can refer to the latest official documents for guidance, and for more on the domain registration process, check out this article here.

Everyone should take advantage of this opportunity to set up their custom domains while they can; we never know when the feature might be closed again. Existing custom domains will remain unaffected.

I set up my custom domain at back in 2021, even during the time when the official feature was closed, and it has continued to work perfectly since.

Breaking News!

On February 17, 2021, Medium’s official blog announced that creators can once again link their own domains! This feature supports both creator profiles and publications.

What is a “Custom Domain”?

To ensure that all readers, regardless of their background, understand, let’s briefly explain what a custom domain is.

A domain is like an address in the online world. When I enter the address, I arrive at Medium. Now, with the option for creators to set a custom domain, it means you can choose your own address. You can register the address you want and link it to Medium…

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