Things to Know About Automatically Backing Up Medium Articles to GitHub Pages (Jekyll)
A record of building, maintaining, upgrading, and customizing a personal Medium article backup mirror site.
A record of building, maintaining, upgrading, and customizing a personal Medium article backup mirror site.
Meidum to Jekyll 安裝設定教學
Medium to Jekyll 安装设定教学
Medium to Jekyll Installation and Configuration Guide
Github Action Workflow 表單優化與整合其他工作流程工具(Jira, Asana, Slack..)提升開發效率。
Optimizing GitHub Action Workflow forms and integrating with other workflow tools (Jira, Asana, Slack...) to enhance development efficiency.
自行封裝擴充方法,使其有 Namespace 的功能
岡山進出,先去山陰島根縣出雲松江再去鳥取,最後回到姬路、關西、大阪;7 天 10 萬步、交通橫跨 1,000 公里,一次踩點山陰關西地區。
Starting from Okayama, I first visited the San'in region of Shimane, then Tottori, and finally returned to Himeji, Kansai, and Osaka. Over 7 days, I walked 100,000 steps and traveled over 1,000 kil...
使用 GitHub Pages 快速建立自己的連結頁面,100% 免費、客製化並支援自訂義網域