手工打造 HTML 解析器的那些事
ZMarkupParser HTML to NSAttributedString 渲染引擎的開發實錄
ZMarkupParser HTML to NSAttributedString 渲染引擎的開發實錄
A detailed account of developing the ZMarkupParser HTML to NSAttributedString rendering engine
封裝 Socket.IO Client Library 需求時遇到的問題場景及解決方法應用到的 Design Patterns
Challenges encountered while encapsulating the Socket.IO Client Library and the design patterns applied to solve them.
Apple 隱私原則及 iOS 歷年對隱私保護的功能調整
以 Google Apps Script x Firebase App Distribution API 串接為例
Using Google Apps Script x Firebase App Distribution API as an example
Apple 開發者職業傷害之 Xcode 早期使用虛擬目錄,導致目錄結構混亂且難以整合 XcodeGen, Tuist 等現代工具。
The occupational hazards of Apple developers using virtual directories in Xcode early on, leading to chaotic directory structures and difficulties integrating modern tools like XcodeGen and Tuist.
個人 Medium 文章備份鏡像站搭建、維護、升級、客製化的一些紀錄