AVPlayer Streaming and Caching Practical Guide
Implementing AVPlayer/AVQueuePlayer with AVURLAsset and AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate to achieve music/video streaming while caching.
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[Old] AVPlayer Streaming and Caching Practical Guide
Understanding the context of implementing AVPlayer/AVQueuePlayer with AVURLAsset and AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate.
[2021–01–31] Article Announcement: Article Revision Completed
I would like to sincerely apologize to all friends who have read the original article, as my recklessness led me to publish it without thorough research; this resulted in some inaccuracies and wasted your valuable time.
I have now completely reorganized the context from scratch and rewritten the article; it includes a complete project code for everyone to reference. Thank you!
Changes Made: Approximately 30%
New Content: Approximately 60%
This article was first published on Medium ➡️ Click Here
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